One purpose of the Ladies Auxiliary is to enhance the appearance of the College and make campus life more comfortable for students, staff, and guests. Funds for various projects are raised through membership fees, donations, and other fund-raisers.
If you would like to join the Ladies Auxiliary or make a donation to help support these very important projects, please contact us.
Current Project: Handbells
The Ladies Auxiliary is providing an additional set of English Handbells for the College's handbell team, Jubilate. This music group participates in a variety of events throughout the year, and travels on a two-week tour every May.
The second set of handbells allows for additional students to participate as well as some staff who enjoy ringing as well.
Ongoing Support for Students
Another purpose of the Ladies Auxiliary is to encourage students through prayer, assistance, and activities.
Some of the ways we seek to accomplish this include:
- The Ann Falconer Scholarship
- Grocery gift certificates for new married students
- Care for student wives: e-newsletter, monthly meetings, prayer partners
- Senior music recital receptions
- Senior Wives Graduation Banquet
- Heart-to-Heart student encouragement program
Past Projects
- Pipkin Hall foyer and lounge
- Des Plaines and McCarrell Dorm Lounges
- Gilmore Conference Center lounge and restroom
- Furniture and umbrellas for outdoor picnic area
- Three phases of air-conditioning Beukema Hall
- Fountain in the lobby of Anderson Hall
- Matching funds on Student Council projects
- Window treatments in Beukema Hall
- High chairs for Hanmer Dining Hall
- China settings for Servant Center